Statistical Services FAQ

Q: What kind of help can I expect to receive after my analysis is complete?

  • We consult with all our clients after a project is complete, meaning that you’re never left in the dark with just a word document or PDF file containing output. In addition to this, you receive a formatted and annotated word file, a copy of the final data file used, and a syntax file that has all the procedures done for the analysis. We provide all these because transparency is incredibly important to us and because we strive to empower our clients to understand and replicate our analyses. 

Q: Oh no! I forgot how to interpret a part of my analysis. Can I still get help?

  • Absolutely. We stand by all of our analyses and are committed to seeing your project through to the end. Being a relatively small company allows us to maintain excellent and personal relationships with all our clients. If you have a question about something we did, or want extra clarification, send us an email or give us a call, and we’ll walk you through it, free of charge. 

Q: I have an analysis that needs done as soon as possible. Can you help?

  • Our turn-around rates are unmatched, with most projects being completed in three to five days, and we typically respond to inquires in no more than eight hours. However, for people who are under an especially tight schedule, we offer an expedited service to match any deadline.  

Q: Can you help distribute my survey or collect data?

  • Unfortunately, this is a responsibility that falls on the person executing the actual experiment. In addition, collecting data typically costs money (sometimes a lot), the devices used to collect data such as a university subject pool are often proprietary, and IRB protocols typically require researchers to list in advance those involved with data collection. That being said, we are all very familiar with online recruiting methods and survey distribution sites (such as Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, Mechanical Turk, etc.), and as such we are more than happy to help advise individuals to find the right survey software or figure how to create various surveys with these platforms.

Q: Can you help with my statistics homework?

  • Unfortunately, we do not offer help with homework. 

Q: How do you handle data privacy? 

  • Privacy of information is extremely important. Many of our clients work in the fields such as medicine, psychology, and behavioral sciences, where participant privacy is a highly important part of the research process. We are all professional researchers ourselves and are very familiar with IRB and research protocols relating to how participant information must be handled. In turn, we guarantee our consulting and protocol follows the highest ethical standards and confirms to all institutional research requirements.

Q: Do I have to be located nearby to receive consulting services?

  • We work with clients from all over North America (and beyond), and pride ourselves on being able to offer cutting-edge statistical consulting to anyone, anywhere. Regardless of where you’re located, we can help as if we’re just down the hall.  

Q: I’m a graduate student. Am I allowed to get outside statistical help?

  • Graduate programs generally do not have rules prohibiting external guidance in your research, and we do not offer any consulting services that could possibly be construed as unethical, such as outright writing your dissertation for you. While each university and program are different, we all come from academic backgrounds and are completely committed to upholding ethical statistical practices.